Institut für Allgemeinmedizin, Universität Frankfurt - Forschung - PCISME

International Study 'Primary Care International Study on Medical Errors' (PCISME)


108th German Medical Assembly
Patient safety is high on the agenda [PDF]

The study is based on voluntary, internet-based error reports from 100 family practices in seven countries (Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Netherlands, UK and Germany; Study coordination S. Dovey Austr./NZ 2001/02).

Information on the concept and results of the German part of the study can be found in German in the following articles that appeared in the medical journal Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin (2003):

  • "Errors in general practice - Results of the international PCISME study in Germany" [PDF]
  • "Learning from mistakes" [PDF]

Amongst other sources, results from other countries can be found in:

The error reporting and learning system was a further development of the internet-based instrument that was first used in the PCISME study [mehr].