MultiTANDEM: Extending the use of training programs to promote communication in the home care of persons with dementia

Homepage MultiTANDEM (in German)

 Background and objectives of the project

During the pilot project, management staff at out-patient nursing facilities will be educated and supported in the implementation of evaluated training interventions for their staff and clients and in how to integrate the interventions into the regular and standard nursing services they provide. Amongst other things, the trainings include communication with persons with dementia, cooperation between family caregivers and professional nurses, as well as teaching self-help skills and providing collegial consultation.

 Duration and funding

The pilot project is being sponsored by the Hessian Ministry for Work, Family and Health as well as the state associations for long-term care insurance in Hesse. It will be conducted in the Wetterau, Limburg-Weilburg, and Rheingau-Taunus regions of Germany, as well as in the town of Offenbach from March 2010 to December 2012.

 Contact / Responsible employees